"Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God."
Do you like meeting new people? The Welcome Ministry is for you! We are Good Shepherd's Greeters, Ushers, and Shepherds whose goal is to welcome all parishioners and guests - and make their time with us memorable and inviting.
Our Greeters welcome everyone as they enter. Visitors and newcomers are invited to stay for coffee hour after the service and then given the opportunity to meet our parish family and learn all about what Good Shepherd has to offer.
Our team of ushers continue to warmly welcome each person and distribute our Sunday church bulletins and announcements and assist with seating as needed. They also serve during the service to collect the offerings, guide communicants to receive communion and assist with other needs.
Our Shepherd ministry helps the newcomer by providing information on ways for them to integrate into our Parish family by familiarizing them with our ministries. Newcomers are invited to sign up for our Heart of the Shepherd weekly email news blast and be listed in the parish directory. As they continue to attend Good Shepherd and feel comfortable, they are encouraged to participate in our activities and ministries.